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What Our Customers Have To Say

James Y. Victory
James Y. VictoryHanmi Center for Justice, PLLC
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"Mike and Tim, a wonderful duo. Helped me relocate within one week. My office burned down. I was in a hurry to relocate. I had thousands of files and hundreds of active clients. Everything had to be done in a hurry and correctly. Mike and Tim fit the bill. They worked on my new office day and night. Rewired the whole place, 4 rooms, 8 computers, 8 telephones, 1 server and remote access. During my time of chaos, I found a new religion. Mike and Tim saved the day and probably my practice."
Jeff Shiring
Jeff ShiringManaging Partner, Whitecap Enterprises
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NWTA is a great partner to us and has the tools and resources we’ve needed for our business. Their responsiveness to our needs and short/long term plans have helped us achieve our success within our industry and with our clients.